Nothing Left
Writing Rambles #19 Wow! I wrote this one almost two years ago exactly! Just a few days short. This ones brutal. If I remember correctly,...
Welcome to the Story Room. From my Bottled Messages of unmitigated randomness to my Writing Rambles of short stories, this is a place of comfy chairs, cluttered shelves, and wholesome reading.
Nothing Left
Endless Blue
The Dulcimer that took Twenty Years to Finds
Escapees of the Flames
Glendor the Champion
The Superior Story
And He set the Captive Free
Subway Base
High Speed Departure
Warden of the Greanwood
He Called her Cat
Caterpillar Summers and Frigid Cold Winters
Spilt Coffee and a Dead Dog
Chase the Stars
Hole in the Wall
The Hunt
The Girl in the Red Cap