Writing Rambles #4

This prompt inspired a scene which actually stars one of the main characters of Forbidden. He is much older when he enters the story and his father has long been dead, but this prompt inspired an exclusive look into his past. He’s been through a lot.
Also, if you can't tell, the idea of a hideaway is an important part of Every Shadow Lifted as well.
If you want to join the fun, write your own story off the prompt before you read mine and post it in the Fireside Room!
Prompt: The boy in the corner jumped up…
Hideaway Written May 24, 2019.
The boy in the corner jumped up, the sound of the slamming door unexpectedly forcing him to his feet. He heard the boots, the lumbering, uneven footsteps. Dad would most likely be drunk again and his reading nook was not a sufficient hiding place. The slurred shout resounded off the stone walls of the house and confirmed his fear. The boy shook and trembled. The book in his hands thudded to the ground as it slipped from his fingers, now robbed of all their strength. Through the mess of garbled shouts, he heard his name. “Hadyn!” His lower lip quivered and at first he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to listen to his dad; he wanted to make him happy, but it never worked. Listening and complying only got him a backhand to the cheek. His eyes filled with tears as he remembered the pain as if it happened now, and he tore off to his secret hideaway cubbyhole behind the tattered and patched clothes in his cramped closet.
Thanks for reading!
Your Captain,