Writing Rambles #3

This one was most certainly very Narnia inspired as well as being a @writingchallenges prompt! Written May 10, 2019. It’s a short one, but I hope you still enjoy it!
If you want to join the fun, write your own story off of the prompt before you read mine and post it in the Fireside room.
Prompt: It was time for me to come back…
Goodbye It was time for me to come back, though I felt like a child happily lost in the woods, its nearly dinner time and I don’t want to go yet. My heart aches like a caged bird longing to be released, longing to fly wherever she wants to and stay in whatever tree she feels safest in. I haven’t even left yet and I feel this strange sort of homesickness I’ve never once experienced before. Here I am, in the only place that has ever truly felt like home and I have to leave.
Thanks for reading!
Your Captain,