Writing Rambles #2

Wrote this one on February 28, 2019.
If you want to join the fun write your own story from the prompt before you read mine and post it in the Fireside room!
Prompt: Slowly she walked up behind him…
The Hunt Slowly she walked up behind him, stealthy, quiet… Her feet padded the ground soundlessly as she stocked her prey. Her eyes, fierce as fire and green as emeralds, were locked on his back, only breaking their stare when she needed to again evaluate the forest floor for anything that would give her presence away. He was singing unabashed at the top of his lungs, a sign he was unmitigatedly and totally incognizant of her presence. She advanced a couple more steps before stopping again. She was patient, even more than others in her line of work, but his singing was only taunting her. She could almost taste him, hear the end of his song, a long awaited silence she planned to execute. Legs coiled like springs, she let the energy build up until it was almost too much to endure, and then, pounce! She flew through the air, closing the remaining distance between them. Too soon… She jumped too soon. She gave a flick of an ear as she watched him fly away and let out a disappointed, “Meow?”
Thanks for reading!
Your Captain,